Sensory deafferentation decreases OB adult neurogenesis. A, Micrographs showing projection planes of DCX+ neuroblasts in the GL of control and deafferentated mice at 1 month after lesion. B, Time course of DCX+ neuroblasts number in the GL (left panel), or DCX immunoreactivity (optical density) in the GCL (right panel) following OE lesioning (n = 3–4). C, Number of DCX+ cells in the GCL of control and lesioned mice at 28 d after lesion. D, Time course of DCX immunoreactivity (optical density) in the RMSob following OE lesioning. The number of neuroblasts expressing DCX is decreased at 21 and 28 d after lesion. *p < 0.05, compared with control (B); **p < 0.01, compared with control (B, C). Abbreviations: GCL, Granule cell layer; RMSob, the rostral migratory stream at the core of the OB. Scale bar, 10 μm. Error bars indicate SEM.