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. 2012 Mar 14;32(11):3652–3664. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.6394-11.2012

Table 1.

Detailed information on the primary antibodies used in this study

Antibody Manufacturer and catalog # Marker of the following Working dilution
Anti-BrdU Abcys; ABC 117-7513 Proliferating cells 1:1000
Megabase Research Products 1:2000
Anti-CD45 Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents; CBL 1326 Leukocytes, activated microglia 5 μg/ml
Anti-CD68 Serotec; MCA1957GA Activated microglia 0.5 μg/ml
Anti-DCX Abcam; ab18723 Neuroblasts 0.5 μg/ml
Anti-GAP43 Sigma-Aldrich; G9264 Axon of young neurons 1:100
Anti-GFAP Dako; 20334 Astrocytes 4 μg/ml
Anti-Iba1 Wako Chemicals; 016-20001 Microglia 1 μg/ml
Anti-NeuN Millipore Bioscience Research Reagents; MAB377 Neurons 5 μg/ml
Anti-OMP Wako; 544-10001 Olfactory sensory neurons 1:2000
Anti-TH ImmunoStar; 22941 Dopaminergic neurons 1:4000