a-syn oligomers enhance basal synaptic transmission in the hippocampus. a, I/O curves corresponding to responses generated between fiber volley amplitude and fEPSP slope evoked by various stimulation intensities (60–300 μA) in control slices (○, n = 5), slices treated with a-syn oligomers (●, n = 6) (500 nm, 90 min) and slices treated with a-syn oligomers (■, n = 4) coincubated with 50 μm APV. The increase in synaptic transmission induced by a-syn oligomers was completely recovered by coincubation with APV (*p < 0.05, ANOVA F test). b, Averaged time course of changes in fEPSP slope after superfusion with APV for 30 min, in slices treated with (●, n = 4) or without (○, n = 4) a-syn oligomeric species (500 nm, 90 min) (*p < 0.05, t test). In slices treated with a-syn oligomers the acute application of APV induces a decrease in the EPSP slope. c, Averaged fEPSP (change in slope from the last 10 min of APV application) from acute APV superfusion experiments as indicated below each column. All values are mean ± SEM.