The hippocampal (HPC) theta cycle is an asymmetric, sawtooth waveform with a short ascending phase and a longer duration descending phase (B). Cycle asymmetry becomes exaggerated with increased rates of locomotion (A–C). The absolute asymmetry (asymmetry index [AI]) in the HPC theta cycle is highly correlated with running speed (D), reflecting an attenuation in ascending phase duration (E,F) and an increase in descending phase duration (E). Consistent with their observed peak frequency attenuation, MTT animals exhibited longer duration ascending phases than controls (E, left). Control RSC ascending phases decrease in duration with increasing speed (F) with consistent duration descending phases. In the RSC of MTT animals, cycle asymmetry is significantly more positively correlated with speed than in controls, resulting primarily from an increase in descending phase duration (C, bottom; F). C–F, Red represents control. Black represents lesion. *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001; ns, not significant; †Results of speed/treatment interactions.