Mean differences in FAT (A) and FW (B) for PSP-control for each TCATT tract grouped by their cortical projection (Temporal, Occipital, Parietal, Frontal, Prefrontal). Columns represent mean difference between group and error bars represent standard deviation. Significant mean differences were followed with slice-level analyses. The FAT (blue) and FW (pink) profiles for the ventral premotor cortex TCATT tract are shown in (C), where FDR corrected t-tests were performed at each slice, in which age and sex were inputted as covariates. Slices which exhibited FDR corrected significance (pFDR<0.05) are shown with horizontal blue or pink lines. (D) The predicted versus actual plot for the input variables which were most associated with MoCA in the PSP cohort (PSP: yellow; Control: cyan), which included gender, FAT in the inferior frontal pars triangularis, preSMA, and medial frontal gyrus TCATT tracts as well as and FW in the inferior frontal pars opercularis TCATT tract. Abbreviations: 1, inferior temporal gyrus; 2, middle temporal gyrus; 3, superior temporal gyrus; 4, lingual gyrus; 5, calcarine sulcus; 6, cuneus; 7, inferior occipital gyrus; 8, middle occipital gyrus; 9, superior occipital gyrus; 10, angular gyrus; 11, inferior parietal lobule; 12, supramarginal gyrus; 13, superior parietal lobule; 14, paracentral lobule; 15, somatosensory cortex; 16, primary motor cortex; 17, dorsal premotor cortex; 18, ventral premotor cortex; 19, pre-supplementary motor area; 20, supplementary motor area; 21, inferior frontal gyrus pars opercularis; 22, medial frontal gyrus; 23, middle frontal gyrus; 24, inferior frontal gyrus pars triangularis; 25, inferior frontal gyrus pars orbitalis; 26, lateral orbital gyrus; 27, superior frontal gyrus; 28, anterior orbital gyrus; 29, gyrus rectus; 30, medial orbital gyrus; 31, medial orbitofrontal gyrus; 32, olfactory cortex. All subjects in the PSP cohort were obtained from the University of Florida.