Figure 4.
Thalamic calcifications on MRI. (a) MR images of a representative r-mTBI animal. The top row shows the magnitude-based images: the echo-averaged magnitude image, and the R2*-map (black to white: 0…100/s). The bottom row shows the phase-based images: the background-corrected phase image (the input to QSM) and the computed susceptibility map (− 80…+150ppb). (b) The effect size of the difference in calcified volumes between two r-mTBI animal subgroups that were defined based on their NSS scores (abscissa). The blue line considered only the NSS at the first week for group splitting the black line considered the average of NSS across weeks 2-4 and the red line considered only the maximum NSS of the animals across weeks 2-4. (c) Volume of thalamic calcifications over their magnetic susceptibility. Values of each animal were averaged across all three raters. Error bars indicate the standard deviation between raters.