Fig. 5.
PRMT5 promotes β-catenin/JDP2-activated glutathione metabolism. a, b The ChIP assay and qRT-PCR analysis of the enrichment of JDP2 on the promoters (a) and mRNA expression (b) of SLC7A11, GCLM, and GSS in CPT (10 μM, 1 h)-treated cells. c IB analysis of protein expression of SLC7A11, GCLM, and GSS in the CPT (10 μM, 4 h)-treated cells transfected with scramble or PRMT5 siRNA(s). d Relative expression levels of GSH (left) and ROS (right) in the indicated cells. e Relative expression of GSH (left) and ROS (right) were examined in the indicated cells. f Co-IP assays using anti-PRMT5 antibody were performed in the CPT (10 μM, 1 h)-treated cells transfected with truncated JDP2 fragments (right). g IP assays using anti-JDP2 antibody were performed in the indicated cells treated with or without CPT (10 μM, 1 h), and IB analysis of the expression of JDP2, AFT3, c-Jun, and HDAC3. h IP assays using anti-PRMT5 antibody were performed in the indicated cells treated with or without CPT (10 μM, 1 h), and IB analysis of expression of JDP2 and PRMT5 was performed. i IP assays using anti-PRMT5 antibody were performed in indicated cells treated with CPT (10 μM, 1 h) with or without the ATM inhibitor KU55933 (10 μM, 1 h) pretreatment, and IB analysis of the expression of JDP2 and PRMT5. j IP/IB assays analysis of HA-tagged JDP2 and phosphorylation of TQ/SQ in the indicated cells. k IP assays using anti-PRMT5 antibody were performed in the indicated cells treated with or without CPT (10 μM, 1 h), and IB analysis of JDP2 and PRMT5. l IP assays using anti-JDP2 antibody were performed in the indicated cells treated with or without CPT (10 μM, 1 h), and IB analysis of JDP2 and ATM. m co-IP assays were performed using anti-ATM antibody in the CPT (10 μM, 1 h)-treated cells transfected with truncated JDP2 fragments. Each error bar in panels a, b, d, and e represents the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. *P < 0.05. Student’s two-tailed t test. Source data of Fig. 5a, b, d–e are provided as a Source Data file