Figure 5.
Arp2/3 complex activity is required for microridge formation and maintenance. Confocal microscopy analyses of phalloidin stained embryos and larvae (a–i) treated with 1% DMSO (a,d,g), 100 µM CK689 (inactive drug control; b,e,h) and 100 µM CK666 (Arp2/3 complex inhibitor; c,f,i) for 1 hour from 9–10 hpf (a–c), 18–19 hpf (d–f) and 47–48 hpf (g–i). In all cases, inhibition resulted in a breakdown of microridges or a decrease in phalloidin punctae relative to controls. Images from 19 and 48 hpf are acquired from the head epidermis. Scale bar are equivalent to 10 µm.