Figure 6.
Microridges play a role in the organization of the glycan layer. Effect of the inhibition of the Arp2/3 complex on the glycan layer (a–h). Confocal micrographs of Phalloidin stainings (a,e), WGA stainings (b,f), merges (c,g) and SEM (d,h) of animals treated with 1% DMSO as vehicle control (a-d) or 100 µM CK666 (e–h) and respective orthogonal sections below the images (a’- c’,e’-g’). Effect of Latrunculin A treatment on the glycan layer (i–p). Phalloidin stainings (i,m), WGA stainings (j,n) and merges (k,o) of animals treated with 1% DMSO as vehicle control (i–k) or 2 µM Latrunculin A (m–o) and respective orthogonal sections below the images (i’- k’; m’- o’). Insets in m-o show a microridge remnant (phalloidin, green) surrounded by the glycan layer (WGA staining, magenta). SEM using Alcian blue and Lysine fixation of 1% DMSO as vehicle control (l) or 2 µM Latrunculin A (p). The insets in d,h,l,p show higher magnification SEM images of their respective treatments. All of these images are acquired on the flank at 48 hpf. Differences in the glycan layer organization in different parts of the animal (q–t). Phalloidin staining (q,s) and SEM (r,t) of the head (q,r) and flank (s,t) peridermal cells at 48 hpf. Note that microridges on the head are relatively densely packed with a flat glycan layer as compared to the flank. Scale bars in the insets in d,h,l,p are equal to 1 µm and in others to 10 µm.