In the Genetically Diverse DGRP F2 Population, LpWJL Reduces Variation in Different Physical Fitness Traits
(A) A scatterplot showing how coefficient of variation (CV) changes as a function of larval length and how such change differs in the DGRP F2 GF (pink) and LpWJL mono-associated (blue) populations (see Figure S3A and Methods for detailed schemes). Each data point represents the intercept of a CV value and its corresponding average larval length in a particular cross. Each CV, SD, and average value was derived from larvae measurements gathered from at least three biological replicates from either GF or LpWJL mono-associated conditions. Each replicate contains 10–40 larvae. Based on multivariate ANOVA analysis, the factors affecting variants in this plot are: larval age∗ (p = 0.053), bacterial presence∗∗∗(p = 3.02 × 10−6), and larval length (p = 8.27 × 10−15∗∗∗). The purple bracket indicates the arbitrarily selected experiments where the average larval length for each cross falls between 3 and 4 mm for size-matching purpose.
(B) The average larval length of the F2 progeny pooled from experiments demarcated by the purple bracket in Figure 2A. The average size is perfectly matched (GF Avg Length = 3.522mm, LpWJL Avg Length = 3.582mm, p = 0.857ns, Mann-Whitney test), whereas the GF population exhibits greater variation than the LpWJL mono-associated population (VarGF = 0.642, CVGF = 22.8%, VarLp = 0.427, CVLp = 18.3%).
(C) Variance and mean comparisons for the average day of pupariation for individual larva in the F2 GF and mono-associated populations. (Difference in mean p < 0.0001∗∗∗, Mann-Whitney test, Var GF = 2.42, VarLp = 1.22).
(D) Variance comparison for average day of adult emergence in the F2 GF and mono-associated populations (Difference in mean p < 0.0001∗∗∗, VarLp = 1.84, VarGF = 5.27).
(E) Box plots comparing the variances of pupariation derived from each tube containing approximately 40 larvae. The average variance per tube for the GF population = 3.99; the average variance per tube for the LpWJL-associated population = 1.12. VarLp = 0.54, VarGF = 1.76. Note that these values are the “variance of variances.”
(F) Box plots comparing the variances for adult emergence from each tube containing approximately 40 larvae (difference in mean p < 0.0001∗∗∗). The average variance per tube for the GF population = 4.06; the average variance per tube for the LpWJL associated population = 1.34. For “variance of the variances,” VarLp = 1.33, VarGF = 4.2.
(G and H) In both male (lozenge) and female (circle) adults, the variances in body size (G the difference in mean body length: for females, p = 0.003∗∗∗, for males, p < 0.0001∗∗∗∗) and wing size (H, the difference in mean wing area for females, p < 0.0001∗∗∗∗ for males, p = 0.043∗∗) are greater in the GF population than in the mono-associated population. The adult datasets presented in Figures 2G and 2H and in S3G and S3H take on normal distribution by D'Agostino and Pearson omnibus normality test, F variances are therefore calculated and compared. Data are represented as mean and 10–90 percentile in all panels.