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. 2019 Jul 19;57(9):464–473. doi: 10.5414/CP203516

Table 3. Parameter and covariate parameter estimates for the full population PK model.

Parameter estimates and bootstrap results
Full model Bootstrapa
Estimates (RSE %) IIV (RSE %) Median (IIV %) 95% CI (95% CI for IIV)
CL/F, L/h 20.4 (4.7) 31.7 (3.7) 20.2 (31.3) 18.6, 21.8 (28.2, 34.8)
V/F, L 110 (1.2) 110 108, 113
Ka, /h 13.8 (7.9) 198 (4.2) 14.0 (198) 12.1, 16.6 (180, 222)
Proportional error, TAD ≤ 5 hours, % 22.9 (3.8) 65.8 (5.5) 22.8 (66.4) 21.0, 24.7 (57.2, 73.1)
Proportional error, TAD > 5 hours, % 52.6 (4.7) 65.8 (5.5) 52.5 (66.4) 48.0, 57.3 (57.2, 73.1)
Lag time, h 0.3 (0.8) 0.3 0.3, 0.3
Scaling parameter 0.5 (9.0) 0.5 0.4, 0.5
Covariate parameter estimates
PK parameter Covariate Estimate %RSE 95% CIa
CL/F, L/h Age –0.20 –28.6 –0.31, –0.08
CL/Fb, L/h BWT 0 (FIX) NA 0, 0 (FIX)
CL/F, L/h BCCL 0.32 16.7 0.21, 0.42
CL/F, L/h BCRP –0.02 –46.0 –0.04, 0.00
CL/F, L/h Black 0.91 54.9 0.42, 1.78
CL/F, L/h Asian 0.95 6.07 0.83, 1.08
CL/F, L/h Other race 0.96 5.91 0.86, 1.12
CL/F, L/h Non-Hispanic 1.12 4.75 1.04, 1.24
CL/F, L/h Female 1.05 2.77 0.99, 1.11
V/F, L Age –0.22 –22.6 –0.32, –0.13
V/F, L BWT 0.68 8.37 0.55, 0.79

a760 in 1,000 runs minimized successfully. bEffect of BWT on CL/F was fixed to 0, and RSE and CI could not be calculated. Reference patient defined as: White, male, Hispanic, body weight 83.3 kg, age 50 years, BCRP 0.49 mg/dL, BCCL 120 mL/min. BCCL = baseline creatinine clearance; BCRP = baseline C-reactive protein; BWT = baseline body weight; CI = confidence interval; CL/F = apparent oral clearance; IIV = interindividual variability; Ka = first-order absorption rate; NA = not available; PK = pharmacokinetics; RSE = relative standard error; TAD = time after dose; V/F = apparent volume.