Figure 4.
CaV3.3 channels are required for thalamoreticular plasticity. A, Time course of EPSCs in nRt cells patched with a solution containing 0.5 mm QX-314 (n = 7). Shadowed insets show pairing protocols applied after 10 min baseline, with examples of average EPSCs during baseline (1) and at the end of recording (2). During induction, low-threshold bursts were largely preserved, while action potentials were blocked, which resulted in significant potentiation (n = 7). B, Same representation as in A. Sinusoidal current injections were replaced by squared current pulses applied to nRt cell held at −60 mV, to promote tonic firing over low-threshold bursting. No change in synaptic efficacy was induced (n = 8). C, D, Same representation as in A. Suppression of burst-induced Ca2+ with intracellular BAPTA (n = 6) and in CaV3.3−/− mice (n = 8) prevented potentiation. *p < 0.05 baseline versus end of recording.