Figure 6.
Analysis of EPSC size, kinetics, and waveforms. A, Pooled amplitude distribution of monophasic (A1) and multiphasic (A2) EPSCs and their grand averages (B). The distribution from BsnΔEx4/5 (open bars) SGNs are shifted to smaller amplitudes compared with WTΔEx4/5 (gray bars), producing a significantly smaller mean amplitude, but the range of observed amplitudes was unchanged. C, D, Pooled charge transfer distributions (C) and their grand averages (D) of monophasic and multiphasic EPSCs derived from BsnΔEx4/5 (gray) SGNs are reduced compared with WTΔEx4/5; however, the range was unchanged. E–H, The rise and decay times of monophasic EPSCs (E,F) and the time to peak and half-width of multiphasic EPSCs (G,H) from BsnΔEx4/5 boutons were not significantly different from those of WTΔEx4/5 SGNs.