Figure 5.
Lateral electrical signals boost weak light-evoked responses. A, A paired current-clamp recording from coupled neighboring DSGCs (C1 and C2) illustrating responses to a low contrast light flash delivered to C2 (left), to a 400 pA current injected into C1 (middle) or to the same light flash and current injection applied in quick succession (right). The timing of the current pulse to C1 was delayed ∼50 ms from the onset of the flash, such that it coincided with the light-evoked EPSP in C2 (the stimulus protocol is shown in the bottom panel: light, red trace; current pulse, black trace). B, The normalized contrast response curve of a DSGC to spot stimuli in control conditions (gray) and when the light response was primed with coincident gap junction input mediated by depolarizing a coupled neighbor (black).