Table 1.
Statistical analyses performed in this study and the corresponding p value after correcting for study-wise multiple comparisonsa
Question, dependent variable, independent variable | Type | p value* | |
1 | Does PCI (DV) associate with higher VCI (IV) as predicted from previous studies? | One-tailed | 0.031, 0.045 |
2 | Does PCI (DV) associate with POI (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.891, 0.528 |
3 | Does PCI (DV) associate with PS (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.825, 0.528 |
4 | Does PCI (DV) associate with WM (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.276, 0.232 |
5 | Does PCI (DV) associate with FSIQ (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.147, 0.138 |
6 | Does PCI (DV) associate with larger VCI increase (IV) as predicted from previous studies? | One-tailed | 0.020, 0.045 |
7 | Does PCI (DV) associate with POI change (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.209, 0.186 |
8 | Does PCI (DV) associate with PS change (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.881, 0.528 |
9 | Does PCI (DV) associate with WM change (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.707, 0.514 |
10 | Does PCI (DV) associate with FSIQ change (IV)? | Two-tailed | 0.058, 0.058 |
11 | Does PCI (DV) associate with rGMD in the left STG? (IV)? | F-contrast | 0.015, 0.045 |
12 | Does PCI (DV) associate with rGMD in the right STG (IV)? | F-contrast | 0.038, 0.047 |
13 | Does PCI (DV) associate with rGMD in the left IFG (IV)? | F-contrast | 0.881, 0.528 |
14 | Does lower rGMD in the left STG (correlate of higher PCI) (IV) associate with advance development (DV)? | One-tailed | <1.63 × 10−11 **, 1.63 × 10−10 |
15 | Does lower rGMD in the right STG (correlate of higher PCI) (IV) associate with advance development (DV)? | One-tailed | 4.46 × 10−10, 3.57 × 10−9 |
16 | Does lower rGMD in the left STG (correlate of higher PCI) (IV) associate with superior VCI (DV) (another correlate of higher PCI)? | One-tailed | 0.038, 0.047 |
17 | Does lower rGMD in the right STG (correlate of higher PCI) (IV) associate with superior VCI (DV) (another correlate of higher PCI)? | One-tailed | 0.023, 0.045 |
18 | Does longitudinal rGMD change in the left STG (IV) associate with PCI (DV) like cross-sectional rGMD? | One-tailed | 0.963, 0.546 |
19 | Does longitudinal rGMD change in the right STG (IV) associate with PCI (DV) like cross-sectional rGMD? | One-tailed | 0.029, 0.045 |
20 | Does VCI (correlate of higher PCI) (IV) show the interaction effects between age and PCI (DV)? | — | 0.990, 0.546 |
21 | Does VCI change (correlate of higher PCI) (IV) show the interaction effects between age and PCI (DV)? | — | 0.799, 0.528 |
22 | Does mean rGMD of the PCI correlate in the left STG (IV) show the interaction effects between age and PCI (DV)? | — | 0.041, 0.047 |
23 | Does mean rGMD of the PCI correlate in the right STG (IV) show the interaction effects between age and PCI (DV)? | — | 0.023, 0.045 |
24 | Does mean rGMD change of the PCI correlate in the right STG (IV) show the interaction effects between age and PCI (DV)? | — | 0.667, 0.508 |
25 | Does VPCI (DV) correlate with VCI (IV) in a similar way as PCI? | One-tailed | 0.030, 0.045 |
26 | Does VPCI (DV) correlate with VCI change (IV) in a similar way as PCI? | One-tailed | 0.003, 0.016 |
27 | Does VPCI (DV) correlate with mean rGMD of the PCI's correlate in the left STG (IV) in a similar way as PCI? | One-tailed | 0.375, 0.300 |
28 | Does VPCI (DV) correlate with mean rGMD of the PCI's correlate in the right STG (IV) in a similar way as PCI? | One-tailed | 0.045, 0.047 |
29 | Does VPCI (DV) correlate with mean rGMD change of the PCI's correlate in the right STG (IV) in a similar way as PCI? | One-tailed | 0.020, 0.045 |
aPCI, Parent–child interaction (time spent with parents); DV, dependent variable; IV, independent variable; VCI, Verbal Comprehension Index; POI, Perceptual Organization Index; PS, Processing Speed; WM, Working Memory; LIFG, left inferior frontal gyrus; LSTG, left superior temporal gyrus; RSTG, right superior temporal gyrus; VPCI, verbal parent–child interaction (conversation factor score).
*The left p values show the p values that are uncorrected (non–voxel-based imaging analyses) or corrected within the analyses (voxel-based imaging analyses); the right p value shows the p values that are corrected in a study-wise manner through FDR.
**The actual p value is lower, but the SPM cannot display the value. In the study-wise FDR test, we used this value, but using the lower p value than this value will not affect the significance or insignificance of the study-wise FDR.