Parameter estimates of encoding activity. A, Significant differences (FDR > 0.05) in BOLD activity between the source memory encoding condition and miss/item memory condition in the short-delay group. The results indicate that strong recruitment/disengagement of several cortical areas is necessary to establish source memories lasting 1.5 h. Colors represent p values. LL, Left lateral surface; LM, left medial surface. B, Same as A but for the long-delay group. Similar effects were observed in the right hemispheres in both groups. C, Parameter estimates from the hippocampi in the short-delay group (left of vertical line) and the long-delay group (right of line). *p < 0.05 resulting from paired-samples t tests with group and independent-samples t tests between groups. Strong activity levels in the left hippocampus during encoding is associated with source memory performance after 1.5 h and after ∼6 weeks, but hippocampus activity during source memory encoding does not differ between the two groups.