Figure 11.
Effect of vergence angle on V4 neuron responses. A, SIs of 7 neurons (filled circles) and the mean SIs across them (open diamonds) at three different vergence angles. The calculated SIs did not vary with vergence angle (n = 7; two-way ANOVA, p = 0.73). B, Average firing rates calculated across all size-disparity stimulus conditions of far-optimal (SI > 1) neurons (red circles) and of near-optimal (SI < 1) neurons (blue squares). Open diamonds represent the mean of the average firing rates at each vergence angle. The calculated average firing rates did not vary with vergence angle (n = 6; two-way ANOVA, p = 0.54). C, The maximum firing rates calculated from all size-disparity stimulus conditions of far-optimal neurons (SI > 1, red circles) and of near-optimal neurons (SI < 1, blue squares). Open diamonds represent the mean of the maximum firing rates at each vergence angle. The calculated maximum firing rates did not vary with vergence angle (n = 6; two-way ANOVA, p = 0.45).