Figure 1.
CTA induces a reduction in QR2 mRNA expression in the IC. A, Schematic representation of the experiment. The CTA paradigm was performed on rats exposed to saccharin and LiCl (CS and UCS, respectively) and results were compared with exposure to either saccharin or LiCl. B, Venn diagram representing the differentially expressed genes that passed the cutoff of a fold change of at least 1.25. L, Rats that received only LiCl; S, rats that received only saccharin; C, rats that received saccharin followed by LiCl. QR2 (NQO2) is one of the genes differentially expressed in response to CTA. C, Schematic representation of the CTA learning paradigm. D, Pairing of the saccharin (CS) with the malaise-inducing LiCl injection (UCS) causes a reduction in QR2 mRNA expression in the insular cortex compared with the control group exposed only to the UCS (n = 10).