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. 2016 Jul 6;36(27):7167–7183. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4016-15.2016

Table 2.

Peak MNI coordinates: effort cost, 100–250 ms after stimulus

Voxels (n) Side Peak MNI coordinates F MNI coordinate region
136 L 8 6 16 149.9 Medial orbitofrontal cortex
−10 14 −18 108.3
−2 6 12 65.9
36 L 40 20 2 93.9 Insula
−32 18 10 61.2
−28 10 14 51.4
63 L 20 36 20 92.5 Middle orbitofrontal cortex
−32 22 −22 51.5
78 R 14 38 20 91.6 Middle cingulate cortex
16 −34 −22 87.0
232 L 40 2 4 85.3 Insula temporal pole
−28 16 −10 76.8
−48 −2 −44 70.2
5 L 52 14 46 82.0 Motor cortex
17 R 12 22 14 77.9 Orbitofrontal cortex
210 L 12 28 34 77.7 Posterior cingulate cortex
−4 −36 38 73.5
−10 −30 46 67.1
104 R 48 18 16 77.2 Middle temporal gyrus
48 −6 −22 63.9
54 −28 −2 67.1
5 R 6 6 32 75.9 Middle cingulate cortex
58 L 52 18 16 75.9 Middle temporal lobe
62 L 36 44 10 75.5 Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
12 L 60 12 24 75.4 Somatosensory cortex
44 R 38 12 4 75.4 Insula
128 R 32 56 52 74.4 Superior parietal lobule, IPS
24 −66 58 72.6
28 R 50 14 16 73.8 Secondary somatosensory cortex
60 −10 22 65.5
65 R 32 36 6 67.5 Hippocampus
26 −34 −12 61.3 Parahippocampal cortex
8 −32 6 52.7 Retrosplenial cortex
8 L 12 4 44 65.1 Middle cingulate cortex
52 R 30 24 18 62.8 Posterior insula
42 −28 6 62.7
38 −28 14 62.6
43 L 50 34 28 61.4 Inferotemporal cortex
6 L 8 22 22 61.3 Anterior cingulate cortex
7 L 52 22 44 61.0 Somatosensory cortex
7 R 18 36 60 59.8 Somatosensory cortex
8 L 38 32 38 59.5 Somatosensory cortex
−42 −28 44 59.0
13 R 20 30 58 59.1 Motor cortex
8 R 26 16 38 58.4 Middle frontal gyrus/BA 8
5 R 26 4 56 58.2 Premotor cortex
27 R 40 20 10 58.2 Insula
52 22 8 54.2 Inferior frontal gyrus
7 L 42 46 22 54.5 Fusiform gyrus
11 L 10 54 30 54.4 Superior frontal gyrus
6 L 32 0 8 53.4 Insula
−30 8 12 52.7
10 R 62 32 28 53.3 Inferotemporal cortex
15 L 0 28 0 52.4 Corpus callosum
0 24 8 52.3

Clusters surviving FWE-corrected threshold p < 0.01 (F = 49.2) and cluster size threshold k = 5. L, Left; R, right.