Serotonin inhibits sIPSCs in TIDA neurons. A, Voltage-clamp trace showing sIPSCs from an oscillating TIDA neuron, isolated pharmacologically by administration of CNQX and d-AP5 and recorded with High Cl− intracellular solution. Application of 5-HT reversibly induces an outward current and a decrease in sIPSC frequency. Calibration: 50 pA, 60 s. Bi–Biii, Enlarged views of the 100 s sections boxed in A with corresponding raster plots above. Green represents Control. Red represents 5-HT. Blue represents Wash. Calibration: 50 pA, 5 s. C, Cumulative probability curves of sIPSC IEIs generated from the control and 5-HT 100 s sections boxed in A. The distribution shifts to significantly greater IEIs. D, Application of 5-HT significantly and reversibly increases the IEI of sIPSCs. Box plot organized as Figure 3Bii (n = 12). ***p < 0.005. ns, Not significant.