Figure 4.
Heterogeneous association of dentate granule cell activity in awake mice with locomotion. A, Preferential activity during running and resting periods of R-CaMP1.07-expressing (top pie chart, n = 479 cells from 9 animals) and GCaMP6s-expressing DG granule cells (bottom pie chart, n = 363 cells from 4 animals). Activity preference of cells was classified based on a d′ selectivity index (see Materials and Methods). Running (blue) and resting (red) cells showed clear preference for one state (absolute d′ > 1.8). A fraction of granule cells exhibited similar rates of activity during both running and resting periods (pink). Granule cells labeled “uncharacterized” showed periods of either resting or running that were too short for a preference analysis. B, C, Mean frequency of large ΔF/F transients in DG granule cells during anesthesia and during resting or running in awake mice across the entire data sets for R-CaMP1.07 (B) and GCaMP6s (C). D, E, Distribution of peak amplitudes of large ΔF/F calcium transients in DG granule cells during resting and running periods for R-CaMP1.07 (D) and GCaMP6s (E). *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001. Error bars indicate SE.