Repeated imaging of granule cell activity across several days. A, Example calcium traces for three granule cells measured in two separate imaging sessions 1 to several days apart. Two cells were consistently active specifically in either the running state (top row) or during resting (middle row); the cell in the bottom row changed its activity pattern from being active in resting states to being active during both states. B, Summary plot depicting the specificity of activation pattern for all granule cells repeatedly imaged in three consecutive sessions across several days pooled from R-CaMP1.07 and GCaMP6s experiments (n = 228 cells). Activity preference of cells was classified based on a d′ selectivity index as running (blue), resting (red), or both (pink), or remained uncharacterized (light gray). Inactive cells are depicted in dark gray (see Materials and Methods). Shading was applied according to the absolute d′ value to indicate strength of selectivity. C, Example traces for three individual, chronically imaged GCaMP6s-expressing cells from one imaging area exhibiting significant calcium responses aligned to the start (Cells 1 and 2, top and middle rows, respectively) or end (Cell 3, bottom row) of running activity. Note that cells either showed a consistent activation at the start (top) or end (bottom) of running periods in multiple sessions across days or displayed changes in their activation pattern like the example neuron in the middle row. Scale bars, 30 μm.