Figure 5.
High synchrony for large σ while unreliable spiking for weak σ. Firing rate increases with α. A1, A2, Left, Firing rate versus α for small to intermediate values of the noise SD σ ∈ [0, 0.01, 0.1] (A1) and for large SD σ = 1 (A2), as indicated. Gray and colored lines are individual experiments and averages, respectively. B1, B2, Right, Firing rate against the coincidence measure Γ for juxtacellular (blue) and intracellular (red) data. This dataset also contains cells that have been stimulated with a different noise amplitude σ as shown in the left column. Therefore, we distinguish between σ < 0.5 (B1) and σ ≥ 0.5 (B2); only large noise amplitude yields synchrony (Γ significantly larger than zero) for both kinds of stimulation. For the purposes of visualization, one intracellular data point is omitted in B2 (coordinates 0.77, 81.6 Hz). These cells are from motor and somatosensory cortex.