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. 2017 Feb 8;37(6):1614–1627. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1566-12.2016

Table 1.

Spatial coordinates of the local hemodynamic activity maxima for active echolocation: the active null, without auditory feedback, versus passive echolocation compared with the baseline null conditiona

Region x, y, z (mm) Z score Extent
Cerebellum vermis V* 16, −64, −20 7.14 4634
−20, −64, −20 6.69
Postcentral gyrus, somatosensory cortex* −56, −12, 26 6.83 4769
Precentral gyrus* 60, 2, 28 6.44 4159
Precuneus −4, −40, −50 4.74 172
Thalamus 16, −18, −2 3.40 52
−2, −4, −4 3.26 27
Middle frontal gyrus 34, 0, 62 3.38 27
Anterior insular cortex 36, 18, 0 3.40 65
Frontal pole 42, 42, 10 3.19 95
Caudate nucleus −18, 28, 6 3.15 138
10, 16, −2 2.80 6

aBoth auditory stimuli and motor output were subtracted out of the brain activity, but activity in the motor cortices and cerebellum remains. MNI coordinates (p < 0.05 FDR-corrected, minimum spatial extent threshold of 5 voxels) are shown as well as the Z score and spatial extent in voxels (see also Fig. 4B).

*Significant after clusterwise FWE correction (p < 0.05).