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. 2017 Feb 8;37(6):1614–1627. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1566-12.2016

Table 4.

Spatial coordinates of the local hemodynamic activity maxima during echolocation versus null (click production without auditory feedback) in an echolocation experta

Region x, y, z (mm) Z score Extent
Inferior parietal cortex, supramarginal gyrus* 48, −44, 42 5.07 1027
Temporal-parietal-occipital junction* −52, −46, 8 4.69 2162
Fusiform gyrus 32, −60, −12 4.30 424
Calcarine cortex, cuneus, posterior cingulum, V1* 16, −54, 18 4.21 1722
Cerebellum Crus 1 −38, −58, −34 4.06 244
Precuneus and posterior cingulum 8, −40, 42 3.49 128
Inferior temporal gyrus, bordering occipital cortex 50, −54, −8 3.27 49
Paracentral lobule −14, −26, 72 3.42 53
Occipital pole 22, −90, 32 3.22 23
Cerebellum, Crus II −16, −72, −36 3.03 14
Precentral gyrus −56, −10, 40 3.03 18
Cuneus, V2 8, −88, 24 2.99 7

aMNI coordinates (p < 0.05 FDR-corrected, spatial extent threshold of 5 voxels), together with the Z score, and the cluster extent are shown (see also Fig. 8B).

*Significant after clusterwise FWE correction (p < 0.05).