Table III.
Parent Identified Barriers to Attending Group Meetings (Parents Allowed to Check All That Apply)
1. Participating child started an activity (e.g., sports, clubs, church group) 34% that conflicted with groups | 34% |
2. I, or a member of our family, participated in an activity that conflicted with groups (e.g., sports, PTO, church groups, club) | 28.7% |
3. Changes in work schedule or change in job | 22% |
4. I, my child, or member of my family became ill, injured, or required hospitalization that conflicted with groups. | 20.7% |
5. Participating child had too much homework | 18% |
6. Car problems or unreliable transportation | 10% |
7. It too long for us to drive or travel to group sessions | 9.3% |
8. It took too much time to complete the various homework assignments or food logs in the study | 8% |
9. Changes in family income made it too difficult to attend groups | 6.7% |
10. My child was embarrassed or did not like participating in groups | 5.3% |
11. There was death in the family/close family friend | 4.7% |
12. I did not feel like information given in the groups was helpful for me or my family | 3.3% |
13. I was embarrassed or did not like participating in groups | 2.7% |
14. I, or my spouse, lost our job | 2% |
15. My spouse did not like my family participating in groups | 0.7% |
Note. PTO = parent–teacher organization.