Figure 1.
Autophagy contributes to fear memory destabilization. A, Representative LC3 immunoblot from mouse amygdala lysates showing autophagy induction by tBC and inhibition by spautin-1 (Spautin). LC3-II is an autophagosome-specific marker. B, Quantitation of the immunoblot signal intensity represented as percentage relative to a Veh/PBS sample (n = 4 mice/condition). C, Design for the 1FS-AFC experiments. D, Average percentage freezing during tone at T1 and T2 showing that blocking autophagy significantly decreased the amnesic effect of anisomycin (n = 10 or 11 mice/condition). E, Average percentage freezing during tone at T1 and T2 showing that, when the amnesic effect of anisomycin (Ani) was complete, autophagy induction did not have any further effect. No reactivation (NR) control showed no amnesic effect. No injections were done before T1 (n = 7–9 mice/ condition). Error bars indicate mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ****p < 0.0001. Veh, Vehicle.