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. 2018 Apr 18;38(16):3955–3970. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0188-18.2018

Figure 4.

Figure 4.

Representative progressions of receptive fields of LGN neurons sampled during vertical electrode penetrations, in the infant group. A, Receptive fields encountered in three penetrations in Case W2E. Ovals with solid boundaries represent receptive fields quantitatively mapped. Ovals with dashed boundaries represent receptive fields qualitatively mapped with a manually operated stimulus. Receptive fields driven only by the contralateral (ipsilateral) eye are shaded in blue (orange). Unit α was binocular. Unit 2 and b-e, indicated with labels in cyan-colored boxes, mapped with a flashing blue square. Others were mapped with a flashing white square. Dashed region shaded in light gray represents the estimated physiological scotoma. B, C, Tracings of coronal sections of the LGN. Layers shaded in blue represent contralateral-eye dominated layers (layer PE and ME). Layers shaded in orange represent ipsilateral-eye dominated layers (layer PI and MI). Regions shaded in lighter colors represent the lesion projection zones. The section illustrated in B was 0.6 mm caudal to the one illustrated in C. The penetration site for units a-h was slightly more rostral (∼0.2 mm) to that for units 1–10. Arrows indicate the surface locations of the electrode penetrations. Circles represent the recording sites associated with the receptive fields in A. Circle filled with black represents a site where no stimulus-evoked responses could be observed. Circles shaded in cyan are associated with receptive fields mapped with blue light in A. D, A larger view of the visual space plotted in A, showing the entire extent of the physiological scotoma. E, Receptive fields encountered during two penetrations in Case W6E, plotted in the same format as in Case W2E. Receptive fields (units 11–13 and o-q) far outside the physiological scotoma are omitted for brevity. F, G, The section illustrated in F was 0.4 mm caudal to the one in G. H, The extent of the scotoma in case W6E. VM, Vertical meridian; HM, horizontal meridian; D, dorsal; L, lateral; PE, external parvocellular layer; PI, internal parvocellular layer; MI, internal magnocellular layer; ME, external magnocellular layer.