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. 2018 Oct 31;38(44):9579–9599. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0503-18.2018

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Targeted conditional mouse glut3 gene construct and genotyping strategy. A, B, Schematic representation of the conditional glut3 (Slc2a3) KO targeting vector with two LoxP sites designed for the deletion of Exon 6. C, PCR analysis of mouse tail genomic DNA samples showing the presence of glut3flox/flox (+/+; 402 bp, CON), glut3flox/+/Cre+ (+/−; 233 bp and 402 bp with cre expression, HT) and glut3flox/flox/Cre+ (−/−; 402 bp with cre expression seen as a 554 bp DNA fragment, KO). Bottom, cre expression with a 554 bp DNA fragment. D, Scheme of breeding for the glut3flox/flox with nestin-Cre and E, Camk2α-Cre mice.