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. 2019 Aug 1;35(4):287–300. doi: 10.5423/PPJ.OA.09.2018.0180

Table 2.

Mean values of various disease related traits and relative rates of resistance in 29 wheat genotypes

Genotype AUDPC Reaction Lesion number (no) Lesion area (cm2) Spores/cm2 (No) Incubation period (days) Latent period (days) Spore germination percentage Number of appresoria Percent penetrating appresoria Lignin (mg/g DW) RRLP RRSp RRFI RR_AUDPC
1 299.35 R 159.33 205.57 45 5.17 21.65 80.634 19.667 60.516 246.68 0.54163 0.97254 0.99677 0.47072
2 271.69 R 155.17 211.82 134.83 4.5 18.85 77.848 15.5 56.543 228.03 0.47337 0.918 0.99039 0.52498
3 266.65 R 93.83 39.28 36.5 5.33 23.05 60.578 21.333 51.709 232.11 0.56953 0.9777 0.99701 0.53949
4 381.38 R 105.5 125.88 151.33 4.67 18.85 61.414 19.667 60.137 242.52 0.47337 0.90798 0.99184 0.30139
5 246.17 R 84.67 216.02 63.67 4.33 26.83 83.967 22.667 44.203 264.48 0.63027 0.9612 0.99373 0.57754
6 277.98 R 200.83 215.9 243 5.67 19.55 70.512 17.5 61.33 210.58 0.49227 0.85232 0.97081 0.52415
7 274.08 R 170.67 311.86 337.5 6 17.8 55.463 10.5 48.578 239.69 0.44221 0.79495 0.97386 0.52094
8 568.98 S 19.5 1017.27 1026.33 4.33 8.35 84.106 36.5 71.957 206.33 −0.19507 0.37673 0.39861 0.04286
9 282.67 R 174.5 606.69 318.33 4.67 18.85 73.378 19.5 59.277 251.84 0.47337 0.80659 0.99777 0.50963
10 266.05 R 200 166.69 154.67 6.33 18.85 80.214 21.667 59.725 233.64 0.47337 0.90596 0.9866 0.53811
11 269.97 R 62.17 36.96 51 5.67 22 81.565 23 67.864 233.04 0.54894 0.9689 0.99807 0.52475
12 351.96 R 76.33 105.94 114.83 5.33 20.95 78.305 20.667 67.579 233.62 0.52628 0.93014 0.99156 0.35182
13 310.12 R 97.83 271.15 145 4.67 19.69 72.393 20.5 50.45 226.61 0.49589 0.91182 0.96582 0.45138
14 585.2 S 35.83 1472.37 1646.83 4.83 9.92 88.146 23.5 79.868 202.8 −0.00355 0 0 0
15 235.65 R 314.17 83.79 136 5.33 16.75 79.18 17.5 55.8 247.87 0.40713 0.91729 0.99103 0.59086
16 268.98 R 97 73.17 49.5 5 18.85 77.693 20.167 70.392 208.66 0.47337 0.96981 0.99208 0.52525
17 303.06 R 94 73.94 62.17 5.67 13.84 58.286 15.5 63.136 242.68 0.28201 0.96212 0.97077 0.47176
18 676.67 S 80.17 1138.76 1398.67 5.17 10.54 86.75 37.5 76.025 173.99 0.05594 0.15067 0.51912 −0.14069
19 273.78 R 184.5 132.15 124.33 6.33 19.9 70.227 14.333 70.632 229.72 0.50123 0.92437 0.98911 0.51711
20 293.15 R 77.33 366.49 253.17 7 15.7 82.667 22.333 62.379 219.42 0.36734 0.84615 0.95301 0.48423
21 272.51 R 266.67 84.96 148.17 5.17 20.95 79.107 26.833 59.701 255.04 0.52628 0.9099 0.99749 0.51709
22 232.49 R 343.83 146.45 219.83 5 17.8 81.541 25.333 70.563 254.33 0.44221 0.86639 0.98036 0.59277
23 419.54 R 249 252.06 295.33 6.67 14.65 57.05 15.833 70.31 242.48 0.3218 0.82055 0.94476 0.22724
24 295.78 R 318.17 115.81 179.5 5.33 20.95 81.369 35.5 65.577 219.09 0.52628 0.89087 0.98402 0.48045
25 210.85 R 242.5 230.08 236.83 7 16.75 75.549 18.833 50.417 202.05 0.40713 0.85607 0.98026 0.6375
26 571.09 S 27.83 1105.17 1665.83 7.17 12.92 88.055 27.167 77.311 182.27 0.23052 −0.01154 0.74439 0.03201
27 290.83 R 72 123.48 224.17 4.67 17.8 80.277 18.5 47.734 237.57 0.44221 0.86376 0.9845 0.48704
28 249.06 R 335 124.48 85 5.67 22 81.866 24.5 64.469 212.97 0.54894 0.94825 0.98876 0.56844
29 605.06 S 32.5 1323.63 2738.5 4.67 11.58 85.651 32 82.675 158.33 0.14092 −0.6628 0.38477 −0.03193
MSD (0.05) 187.89 72.82 198.85 187.3 1.39 1.54 17.448 12.675 20.332 36.46 0.0823 0.1166 0.0789 0.1298

AUDPC = Area Under Disease Progress Curve; RRLP: Relative rate of resistance for latent period; RRSp: relative rate of resistance for spores/cm2; RRFI: relative rate of resistance for fitness index; RR_AUDPC : Relative rate of resistance for AUDPC