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. 2019 Aug 1;35(4):330–340. doi: 10.5423/PPJ.OA.01.2019.0002

Table 5.

Bilateral effect of zinc (Zn) levels with plant nutrients on defense-related enzymes in tomato plants inoculated with Alternaria solani (AS) after 15-D of transplantation

Parameters Zinc dose (mg/kg) −ve Control + ve Control AS NPK+AS Mg+AS B+AS Mean (F)
Superoxide dismutase activity (Units min/mg of protein) 0 0.32 i 0.48 gh 0.61 de 0.49 f–h 0.6 de 0.50 C
2.5 0.42 hi 0.57 e–g 0.77 bc 0.59 d–e 0.68 cd 0.61 B
5.0 0.48 gh 0.73 bc 0.91 a 0.69 b–d 0.79 b 0.72 A

Mean (F) 0.41 D 0.59 C 0.76 A 0.59 C 0.69 B

Catalase activity (Units min/mg of protein) 0 8.25 h 10.79 fg 12.61 d–g 10.58 g 11.19 e–g 10.69 C
2.5 10.74 fg 14.47 b–d 15.14 bc 11.27 e–g 12.97 c–f 12.29 B
5.0 12.56 d–g 15.86 b 18.30 a 13.27 c–e 14.72 b–d 14.94 A

Mean (F) 10.52 D 13.71 B 15.35 A 11.71 CD 12.96 BC

Peroxidase activity (Units min/mg of protein) 0 62 g 83 ef 92 de 70 fg 74 fg 76 C
2.5 80 ef 110 c 130 b 97 c–e 107 cd 105 B
5.0 85 ef 135 b 157 a 111 c 131 b 124 A

Mean (F) 76 D 109 B 126 A 93 C 104 B

Polyphenol oxidase activity (Units min/mg of protein) 0 0.53 gh 0.68 e–g 0.71 ef 0.52 h 0.55 gh 0.60 C
2.5 0.60 f–h 0.82 de 1.10 bc 0.97 cd 1.03 bc 0.90 B
5.0 0.78 e 1.10 bc 1.26 a 1.03 bc 1.15 ab 1.06 A

Mean (F) 0.64 C 0.87 B 1.02 A 0.84 B 0.91 B

Phenylalanine ammonia–lyase (Units min/mg of protein) 0 2.11 d–f 1.32 h 1.99 e–g 1.69 gh 1.87 fg 1.80 C
2.5 2.32 b–e 1.89 fg 2.59 b 2.21 c–f 2.21 c–f 2.24 B
5.0 2.52 bc 2.11 d–f 2.98 a 2.37 b–d 2.56 bc 2.51 A

Mean (F) 2.32 AB 1.77 D 2.52 A 2.09 C 2.21 BC

Values with same lower case (rows) and upper case (rows and column) show the insignificant difference (P ≤ 0.05) as determined by LSD Test.