Table 1. Isolation of V. cholerae strains from waterbird species sampled from different regions around the world (data from studies published between 1975 and 2018).
Bird species | Country of isolation | Isolation source | Non-O1/O139 | O1 | Reference |
Anas spp. (duck) | Denmark | Conjunctiva and intestines | + | − | [63] |
Anas acuta (northern pintail) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Anas carolinensis (green-winged teal) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Anas cyanoptera (cinnamon teal) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Spatula discors (blue-winged teal) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Anas platyrhynchos (mallard) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Mareca strepera (gadwall) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Anser anser (greylag goose) | Florida | Liver and heart | + | − | [65] |
Ardea herodias (great blue heron) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | + | [66] |
Aythya americana (redhead) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Bubulcus ibis (cattle egret) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Calidris spp. (sandpipers) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | + | − | [69] |
Calidris pusilla (semipalmated sandpiper) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | + | − | [69] |
Charadrius wilsonia (Wilson's plover) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | + | − | [68] |
Charadrius vociferus (killdeer) | Colorado and Utah, | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus (grey-headed gull) | Brazil | Cloacal swab | + | − | [71] |
Corvus frugilegus (rook) | England | Cloacal swab | + | − | [64] |
Egretta garzetta (little egret) | Israel | Intestine | + | +* | [72] |
Egretta thula (snowy egret) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Fulica americana (American coot) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | + | [66] |
Jacana jacana (wattled jacana) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | + | − | [69] |
Larus spp. (gulls) | Connecticut | fresh feces | + | − | [67] |
Larus argentatus (European herring gull) | England | Cloacal swab | + | − | [64] |
Larus californicus (California gull) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Larus delawarensis (ring-billed gull) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | + | [66] |
Larus dominicanus (kelp gull) | Brazil | Cloacal swab | + | − | [71] |
Larus marinus (great black-backed gull) | England | Cloacal swab | + | − | [64] |
Larus ridibundus (black-headed gull) | England; Israel | Cloacal swab, intestine | +* | − | [64,72] |
Leucophaeus pipixcan (Franklin's gull) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Nycticorax nycticorax (black-crowned night heron) | Colorado and Utah; Israel | Cloacal swab, fresh feces, intestine | + | +* | [66,72] |
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos (American white pelican) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Phaetusa simplex (large-billed tern) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | + | − | [69] |
Phalacrocorax auritus (double-crested cormorant) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | + | [66] |
Phalacrocorax carbo (great cormorant) | Israel | Intestine | + | +* | [8] |
Phalaropus tricolor (Wilson's phalarope) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Phoenicopterus ruber (American flamingo) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | + | − | [69] |
Plegadis chihi (white-faced ibis) | Colorado and Utah | Cloacal swab, fresh feces | + | − | [66] |
Puffinus puffinus (Manx shearwater) | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Cloaca, oral, ocular, and tracheal swabs | + | − | [70] |
Sula leucogaster (brown booby) | Brazil | Cloacal swab | + | − | [71] |
Thalassarche chlororhynchos (Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross) | Brazil | Cloacal swab | + | − | [71] |
Thalasseus acuflavidus (Cabot’s tern) | Brazil | Cloacal swab | + | − | [71] |
Tringa melanoleuca (greater yellowlegs) | Venezuela | Fecal samples | − | + | [68] |
*Detected by molecular methods.