Table 1.
Questions Asked of Focus Group Participants
Question | Patient | Family | Clinician |
Concerns About Family Involvement In Treatment |
What challenges has your drinking created for your family? |
What challenges has your loved one’s drinking created for your family? |
What challenges has your treatment created for your family? |
What are your biggest concerns about how your family responds to your drinking? |
What are your biggest concerns about how to respond to your loved one’s drinking? |
What major concerns do you hear from patients about their families? |
What major concerns do you hear from family members about the patients? |
Barriers to Treatment |
How likely do you think it is that they would come [to treatment]? |
How likely do you think you would be to come [to treatment]? |
What programmatic barriers are there to involving family members in treatment? |
What would help them decide to come [to treatment]? |
What would help you decide to come [to treatment]? |
What clinical barriers are there to involving family members in treatment? |
Factors that Decrease Barriers to Treatment |
How do you think your family could be most helpful to you in not drinking? |
How do you think you could be most helpful to your loved one in not drinking? |
What strategies have you found helpful in engaging family members in treatment? |
What would you think of having a family member participate in your treatment through a few sessions with one of the counselors? |
What would you think of participating in your loved one’s treatment through a few sessions with one of the counselors? |
What family member would you most like to have involved? |