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. 2019 Aug 22;8(34):e00641-19. doi: 10.1128/MRA.00641-19


Assembly characteristics for the norovirus contigs obtaineda

Isolate GenBank accession no. Polymerase genotypeb Capsid genotypeb ORF1 ntc ORF2 ntc ORF3 ntc No. of norovirus reads/raw reads (%) Coverage (×) Genome coverage (%) (genome length [bp])d GC content (%) GenBank accession no. of most similar strain (nt lacking in the 5′ end)
3453 MK789430 GII.P2 GII.2 1–5094 5075–6703 6703–7482 4,529,781/31,181,056 (14.5) 2,675.12 99.9 (7,536/7,546) 49.8 MH218655 (GTGAATGAAG)
3351 MK789431 GII.P17 GII.17 1–5097 5078–6700 6700–7499 1,360,087/94,666,148 (1.4) 2,587.67 99.9 (7,533/7,549) 48.2 KU561253 (GTGAATGAAGATGGCG)
3587 MK789432 GII.P17 GII.17 5–5113 5094–6716 6716–7495 67,237,010/70,923,098 (94.8) 7,674.57 100 (7,558/7,558) 48.1 KT380915
3618 MK789433 GII.P17 GII.17 1–5099 5080–6702 6702–7481 15,904,593/46,226,582 (34.4) 6,316.85 99.8 (7,542/7,556) 48.2 KU561253 (GTGAATGAAGATGG)
3546 MK789434 GII.P4 New Orleans 2009 GII.4 Sydney 2012 1–5093 5074–6696 6696–7502 39,211,847/90,843,600 (46.1) 7,716.42 99.9 (7,540/7,551) 49.9 MH218612 (GTGAATGAAGA)
3549 MK789435 GII.Pe GII.4 Sydney 2012 5–5104 5085–6707 6707–7513 90,198,955/90,548,480 (99.6) 7,792.28 100 (7,569/7,569) 49.6 MH218701
3552 MK789436 GII.P4 New Orleans 2009 GII.4 Sydney 2012 1–5090 5071–6693 6693–7499 68,287,930/88,189,676 (77) 7,755.68 99.8 (7,536/7,550) 49.8 MH218612 (GTGAATGAAGATGG)

nt, nucleotides.


Polymerase and capside genotypes were assigned using the norovirus genotyping tool (12).


The ORFs were automatically assigned by GenBank after sequence submission.


The total expected genome length is determined relative to the sequence annotated as “full genome” with the higher similarity after BLAST search.