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Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Backbone dynamics of Ixolaris. (A) Backbone 15N relaxation parameters and heteronuclear 1H- 15N NOEs for Ixolaris at 35°C at a 1H field of 600 MHz. All data were recorded using a 0.15 mM 15N,13C labeled Ixolaris in the NMR buffer (20 mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.0) and are consistent with a predominantly monomeric form with a rotational correlation time of 6.6 ns/rad. The absences of data indicate that the values could not be accurately measured because of overlaps or are prolines, or residues not assigned. Gray boxes highlight dynamic regions of interest. R2 ratios values 1 standard deviation above the trimmed mean, are indicative of conformational exchange. Residues with heteronuclear NOE ratios below 0.6 suggest that they possess fast internal motion. The secondary structure diagram based on the Talos+ score is shown at the top as a guide. (B) Residues with NMR resonances exhibiting dynamics are indicated on the structure of Ixolaris as orange (slow exchange) and green (fast internal motions) spheres.