Table 3.
Key question 3 (benefits and harms of treatment) study eligibility criteria
Criteria | Include | Exclude |
Population |
KQ3a: Adults ≥ 40 years in the general population who are at risk of (as per study authors) fragility fracture (we will include studies where ≥ 80% of the sample or the sample mean age − 1 standard deviation is ≥ 40 years) KQ3b: Adults ≥ 40 years who are at risk of fragility fracture Subgroups for decision-making: age, sex, menopausal status Methods subgroups (KQ3a): prior fracture, predicted fracture risk, length of follow-up |
KQ3a: ■ Adults < 40 years (mean age – 1 standard deviation < 40) ■ > 50% with prior fragility fracture, endocrine or other disorders likely to be related to metabolic bone disease, chronic use of glucocorticoid medications, cancer KQ3b: ■ Adults < 40 years ■ Endocrine or other disorders likely related to metabolic bone disease, cancer |
Intervention |
Pharmacotherapy currently approved by Health Canada for the treatment of osteoporosis or prevention of fragility fractures (see Additional file 3) that is commonly used in Canada as a first-line treatment: ■ Bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate, zoledronic acid only); harms of bisphosphonates as a class will be included if > 90% of participants are taking alendronate or risedronate, or if within-study subgroup analysis for these drugs is available ■ Denosumab Adjunct calcium and/or vitamin D (but not other drugs) will be included if it is used identically in both the intervention and comparison group |
■ Pharmacotherapies not commonly used in Canada: hormone therapy, etidronate, raloxifene, teriparatide, calcitonin (no longer recommended) ■ 5 mg/day dosage of alendronate ■ Drugs used in combination ■ Off-label pharmaceuticals and dosages ■ Natural health products, dietary supplements (e.g., vitamins, minerals) ■ Complex interventions (e.g., pharmacotherapy + exercise) |
Comparator |
KQ3a: Placebo KQ3b: Placebo or no treatment; no comparator for the outcomes of osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical femoral fractures In both cases adjunct calcium and/or vitamin D will be included if it is used identically in both the intervention and comparison group. |
■ Other drugs, dosages, or drug combinations ■ Complex interventions (e.g., pharmacotherapy + exercise) |
Outcomes |
KQ3a: ■ Hip fractures ■ Fracture-related mortality ■ Functionality and disability (includes surrogate measures such as frailty questionnaires and long-term care admissions) ■ Quality of life or well being ■ All clinical fragility fracturesa ■ All-cause mortality KQ3b: ■ Discontinuations due to adverse events ■ Serious AEsb including all serious cardiovascular events; serious cardiac rhythm disturbances (e.g., serious atrial fibrillation or ventricular arrhythmia); serious gastrointestinal events (excluding cancers); gastrointestinal cancer; atypical femoral fractures; osteonecrosis of the jaw; fractures related to rebound effects after stopping treatment ■ Non-serious adverse events (including any adverse events or adverse (drug) reactions; any non-serious adverse events) |
Timeframe | ≥ 6 months follow-up | < 6 months follow-up |
Setting |
KQ3a: Primary health care [117] KQ3b: Primary health care or long-term care |
KQ3a: long-term care KQ3b: All other settings |
Study design and publication status |
KQ3a: ■ Randomized controlled trials ■ Manuscripts, reports, abstracts, dissertations, and clinical trials registers, if data are available KQ3b: ■ Randomized controlled trials ■ Controlled observational studies (> 1000 participants) for serious adverse events only ■ Uncontrolled cohort studies for osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical fractures only ■ Manuscripts, reports, abstracts, dissertations, and clinical trials registers if data are available |
KQ3a: ■ Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and pooled analyses ■ All other primary study designs ■ Non-research (e.g., editorials) ■ Studies available only as conference proceedings or other grey literature, unless data are available and adequate to assess risk of bias KQ3b: ■ Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and pooled analyses ■ Non-research (e.g., editorials) ■ Studies available only as conference proceedings or other grey literature, unless data are available and adequate to assess risk of bias ■ Case reports and series |
Language | English or French | All other languages |
Date of publication | Any | Any |
a Clinical fragility fractures include only symptomatic and radiologically confirmed fractures; sites per author definition, and may be defined as major osteoporotic fracture.
b A serious adverse event is any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose (a) results in death, (b) is life-threatening, (c) requires inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization, (d) results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity, (e) is a congenital anomaly/birth defect, (f) is a medically important event or reaction [118]