Figure 6.
Plasmid impurity of the rAAV vector products detected by 2D ddPCR. (A) Gene structure of positive strand of rAAV, dashed line is the plasmid backbone linked with the 5′ end and 3′ end of the ITR sequence. Narrow and thick arrows are indicated as the position of ITR and ori (replication origin) primer probe target site in this research, respectively. (B, C) Dot plot profiles of FAM-labeled ori primer probe (channel 1, amplitude) and HEX-labeled ITR primer probe (channel 2, amplitude). Droplets of 2D signals were separated into four groups. Ratio of each group is indicated in percentage. (B) rAAV2RSM. (C) rAAV8RSM. rAAV8RSM, rAAV reference standard material for serotype 8.