Figure 5.
hiPSC preserve pluripotency throughout four passages. Cells grown as monolayer culture (ML) and suspension culture (SUS) in either mTeSR™1 or mTeSR™3D cell culture medium were investigated for pluripotency status on gene and protein level. (A) The gene expression of pluripotency-associated markers OCT3/4, SOX-2, and NANOG was confirmed by qRT-PCR. (B) Likewise, flow cytometry analysis revealed consistent expression of pluripotency transcription factors. Values in (A) and (B) are normalized to marker expression of pluripotent starting cultures. Error bars indicate mean ± SD, n = 3. (C) PluriTest results (HT12v4 arrays) normalized to hESC H9 cells cultured in E8 and TeSR medium (n = 2 for normalization samples). The background encodes an empirical density map indicating areas of high Pluripotency/low Novelty Scores (red) and high Novelty/low Pluripotency Scores (blue); thresholds for Pluripotency (20, horizontal) and Novelty (1.67, vertical) Scores are indicated with dashed lines. All samples pass both Pluripotency and Novelty Score criteria. (D) Magnification of PluriTest results from (C) hiPSC starter culture is highlighted green.