Fig. 4.
SAR-induced emissions of the volatile monoterpenes α- and β-pinene depend on LLP1, G3P, and Pip. Emission rates of α-pinene a and β-pinene b from the plant genotypes indicated below the panels 1 day before (T0) and during the first (T1), second (T2), and third (T3) day after spray inoculation of the plants with Pst/AvrRpm1 or the corresponding mock treatment. Dots indicate individual, biologically independent results (n = 3–8); bars represent the average of the indicated results ± standard deviation. Asterisks indicate significant differences from the respective Col-0 mock control. Genotype main effect: Col-0***, azi1-2*** (α-pinene); Col-0***, azi1-2*** (β-pinene). Two-way ANOVA, multiple comparison versus control groups, Holm-Sidak method; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. ND: not detectable indicates that the average emission rates remained below background levels. Individual data that were below background levels are not indicated in the bars, but were included in statistical analyses of the data and in the source data file associated with this paper. Grubb’s outlier test identified statistically significant outliers in the data sets Col-0 Pst AvrRpm1 T1 and T2; these outliers were excluded from further analyses and are highlighted in gray in the source data file