Figure 4. Comparison of the Total Optic Nerve Proteome and Optic Nerve Transportome.
(A) Diagram of the retinal projection to LGN and SC, highlighting the tissue source of the ON transportome.
(B) Venn diagram comparing the MS/MS datasets of the total dissected ON (“Total ON”) from animals without NHS-biotin label and the ON transportome from animals with the intravitreal NHS-biotin label. The Total ON proteome includes proteins from all cell types in the ON (astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, fibroblasts, immune cells, and neurons).
(C) Table of spectral counts for proteins from different cell types in the Total ON proteome and ON transportome. The ON transportome does not contain any proteins that serve as unique identifiers of non-neuronal cell types seen in the Total ON proteome.
(D) Volcano plot comparing the Total ON and ON transportome shows significant enrichment of some neuronal proteins in the ON transportome and a large population of proteins in the Total ON that are not in the ON transportome. n = 3, p < 0.05, t test with Benjamini-Hochberg correction.
(E) Western blot validation of proteins in the ON transportome. Western blots of immunoprecipitation (IP; left) and NeutrAvidin purified proteins (right) comparing immunolabel in ON from animals with intravitreal injection of NHS-biotin and control. TAU, RAS, MTOR, GAPDH, ALIX, CaMKII, HNRNPA2, SNCB, and PSMD2 are enriched in IPs from animals that received NHS-biotin and not in control animals. Experiment were done in triplicate.
Proteomic data used to generate these figures are shown in Table S2.