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. 2019 Aug 23;17(7):347–354. doi: 10.1089/met.2019.0006

Table 1.

Participant Demographicsa

  Total sample Food secure Food insecureb
n % (95% CI) n % (95% CI) n % (95% CI)
  2662   1977 81.58 (79.63–83.53) 685 18.40 (16.47–20.37)
 Female 1225 48.14 (45.17–51.11) 915 82.49 (80.02–94.97) 310 17.51 (15.03–19.98)
 Male 1437 51.86 (48.89–54.83) 1062 80.73 (78.06–83.40) 375 19.27 (16.60–21.94)
            P = 0.30
Race ethnicity
 Hispanic 986 18.76 (15.49–22.03) 680 70.53 (66.60–74.45) 306 29.47 (25.55–33.40)
 White 819 66.08 (61.87–70.29) 683 87.37 (85.17–89.57) 136 12.63 (10.43–14.83)
 Black 857 15.16 (12.66–17.66) 614 70.00 (65.39–74.62) 243 30.00 (25.38–34.61)
            P < 0.0001
 4.0–5.0 444 27.35 (23.81–30.89) 437 98.61 (85.93–100.00) 7 1.39 (0.15–2.62)
 3.0–4.0 279 14.25 (11.44–17.05) 254 91.86 (72.62–100.00) 25 8.13 (3.29–100.00)
 2.0–3.0 358 14.41 (12.36–16.36) 290 84.15 (69.60–98.69) 68 15.85 (10.06–21.64)
 1.0–2.0 715 21.73 (19.47–24.00) 493 71.30 (61.63–80.97) 222 28.70 (24.06–33.33)
 <1.0 866 22.26 (19.26–25.26) 503 62.44 (56.82–68.06) 363 37.56 (31.94–43.18)
            P < 0.0001
Parental education
 No HS diploma 702 15.09 (13.02–17.16) 436 64.68 (59.87–69.50) 266 35.32 (30.50–40.13)
 HS diploma 570 19.71 (16.83–22.50) 389 74.76 (69.27–80.25) 181 25.24 (19.75–30.73)
 >HS diploma 1390 65.20 (61.59–68.80) 1152 87.55 (85.49–89.62) 238 12.45 (10.38–14.51)
            P < 0.0001
SNAP use (subset of sample) 1885   1346   539  
 Used SNAP 626 33.21 (28.01–38.41) 341 25.33 (21.35–29.32) 285 52.88 (42.96–62.80)
 Did not use SNAP 1259 66.79 (60.78–72.80) 1005 74.67 (69.74–79.59) 254 47.12 (38.44–55.81)
            P < 0.0001

Demographic breakdowns for the total sample are shown in the left-most columns. The distribution of food insecure among the total sample is shown in the center and right columns. Unweighted n's and weighted percentages with 95% CIs are reported. Statistical significance was determined through chi-square testing for difference in prevalence between groups by food security status and by demographic characteristic subcategory.


Food security was assessed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 18-item household food security questionnaire,22 with positive response to any of the questions indicating the presence of food insecurity.

CI, confidence interval; SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.

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