FIG. 5.
Cytoplasmic projections connecting the graft and the host tissue. (a) Immunohistochemical staining shows presence of CALB2 in the graft and the host tissue. (b) STEM121 staining was restricted to the grafts. In addition, we observe STEM121-positive projections emanating from the graft to the host ONL (*), INL (**), and RGC layers (***). (c) Co-immunostaining of cat sections with CALB2 and STEM121 shows the cytoplasmic projections are not co-localized. (d–f) High magnification of the area marked with an asterisk (*) marked in (b) shows the cytoplasmic projections positive for CALB2 and STEM121 do not colocalize. (g–i) High magnification of the area marked with triple asterisks (***) shown in (b). Arrows indicate the STEM121-positive projections contacting the cat RGC layer. Scale bar: 50 μm. RGC, retinal ganglion cell.