Figure 1. Dose-dependent inhibition of deimination in reconstructed human epidermis (RHEs) treated with Cl-amidine.
RHEs were treated with Cl-amidine (Cl-a) at different concentrations (0–800 μM) for 48 h and harvested on day 10 after air-liquid exposure. Total proteins were immunodetected with the AMC antibody. (a) Immunodetected deiminated proteins were quantified, normalized on Ponceau red staining and expressed relative to the value of the untreated (control) RHEs. Each sample value is represented by a dot and means are represented by dashes. (b) Representative blots of total protein extracts from RHEs produced without inhibitor (Control) or treated with 800 μM of Cl-amidine. Proteins were stained with Ponceau red or immunodetected with the indicated antibodies. Molecular mass markers are shown in kDa on the left.