In situ hybridization of Opn5m mRNA on E17 chicken ocular tissues.
Signals for Opn5m mRNA are dark blue and the sections are counter-stained with nuclear fast red. A sense probe was used as a negative control (B, D, F, H, J). A, anterior portion of the eye. Enlarged images of the iris (boxed area in A, B) are shown as C and D, respectively. C,Opn5m is expressed in the iris (arrows). E, posterior portion of the eye. There is no obvious staining for Opn5m mRNA in the sclera, while intense signals are observed in a subset of cells of the retina. F, non-specific staining is observed in the retina after a long period of color reaction. G,Opn5m is expressed in the pecten, where strong signals are observed at the base (boxed). Enlarged images of the pecten (boxed area in G, H) are shown as I and J. Abbreviations: ch, choroid; co, cornea (stroma); cs, cartilaginous sclera; fs, fibrous sclera; ir, iris; le, lens; pe, pecten; re, retina, rpe, retinal pigment epithelium. Scale bars, 50 μm.(For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)