Fig. 4. Polygenic selection for reduced stature in the Flores pygmies.
(A) Comparison of the genome-wide genetic predictor of height from observed genotypes (purple) versus the null model (blue). The Flores panel is significantly enriched for height-reducing alleles (P < 0.001) in a multivariate chi-square test of population genetic differentiation from the expectation under the null model. (B) Frequency differences between the Flores population and neighboring 1000 Genomes Project populations for 4000 genome-wide loci of the strongest association, with height plotted against effect size for the height-increasing allele. The regression slope shown in the figure between the height-increasing effect size and the frequency difference was −0.71 (t = −3.18, P = 0.002), reflecting height-increasing alleles being at lower frequency in the Flores population. (C) Association between height in the Flores population and a genetic predictor of height.