Table 1.
Unsolved mutants for anophthalmia/microphthalmia and microphthalmia/cataract
Gene symbol | Anophthalmia/microphthalmia | Microphthalmia/cataract | Strain available (if and where) |
Alm | Anterior lenticonus with microphthalmia | Extinct | |
B2b1511 | Anophthalmia, microphthalmia | JAX | |
B2b1702 | Anophthalmia, microphthalmia | Extinct | |
B2b1963 | Anophthalmia, microphthalmia | JAX | |
B2b2012 | Cyclops, anophthalmia, microphthalmia | Extinct | |
B2b2110 | Anophthalmia, microphthalmia | JAX | |
B2b2153 | Enophthalmia, anophthalmia, microphthalmia | JAX | |
B2b2739 | Anophthalmia, microphthalmia | JAX | |
bh | Brain hernia | Brain hernia | Extinct |
Bld | Blind | Extinct | |
Cat3 | Cataract 3 | HMGU | |
dblr | Doubleridge | Extinct | |
dcm | Dense cataract and microphthalmia | Extinct | |
eob | Eye lids open at birth | Extinct | |
exma | Exencephaly with severe microphthalmia/anophthalmia | Extinct | |
ey2 | Eyeless 2 | Extinct | |
ey3 | Eyeless 3 | JAX | |
ey4 | Eyeless 4 | JAX | |
eyl2 | Eyeless 2 Jackson | JAX | |
Iac | Iris anomaly with cataract | Extinct | |
Idc | Iris dysplasia with cataract | Extinct | |
jrc | Juvenile recessive cataract | Extinct | |
Lcl | Lens cloudy | Harwell, EMMA | |
lg | Lid gap | Lid gap | Extinct |
nmf131 | Cataract, microphthalmia | JAX | |
Pcs | Polar cataract and small eyes | Extinct | |
Rgsc258 | Cataract, microphthalmia | RIKEN | |
Rgsc152 | Cataract, microphthalmia | RIKEN | |
Rgsc1371 | Cataract, microphthalmia | RIKEN | |
Rgsc1465 | Cataract, microphthalmia | RIKEN | |
Tcm | Total cataract with microphthalmia | Extinct | |
tirs | Tiresias | Extinct |
Data are from the Mammalian Phenotype Ontology Associations of the Mouse Genome Informatics database ( using the search terms “anophthalmia”, “microphthalmia” and “cataract” (Sept. 25, 2018)
Resources for mouse mutants:
EMMA The European Mouse Mutant Archive; c/o Helmholtz Center Munich, Institute of Experimental Genetics; Neuherberg/Germany;
HMGU Helmholtz Center Munich, Institute of Developmental Genetics; Neuherberg/Germany;
JAX The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, USA;
RIKEN Riken BioResource Research Center, Tsukuba/Japan;
Harwell MRC Harwell; Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Harwell/UK;