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. 2019 Aug 21;16(8):565–574. doi: 10.30773/pi.2019.06.05

Table 1.

Overview of prevalence studies of depression in AS patients

Study ID Country Participants Men, % Age, mean±SD/median (range), years Disease duration, mean±SD/median (range), years Criteria for detection of depression (cutoff) Prevalence, % NOS
Aissaoui 2012 Morocco 110 68.2 38.52±12.62 9 (0–40) HADS (≥8) 55.5 2
Altan 2003 NS 63 NS NS NS HADS (≥8) 33.3 1
Anyfanti 2012 Greece 44 68.8 NS NS Zung SDS (≥50) 18.2 1
Arisoy 2013 Turkey 9 88.9 39.4±10.1 10.6±7.6 HADS (≥7) 33 2
Aydin 2016 Turkey 37 62.3 34.67±7.90 7.16±2.49 HADS (≥8) 48.5 3
Baysal 2011 Turkey 243 86.4 34.65±10.36 6.02±6.60 HADS (≥7) 39.8 3
Cakar 2007 Turkey 52 100 32.85±12.11 9.09±7.36 21 Item-BDI (≥14/25) 50/13.5 2
Cooksey 2015 UK 348 77.0 56.0±13.0 22.0±15.0 HADS (≥11) 7.5 4
Demir 2013 Turkey 22 0 39.34±6.28 3.3±2.6 21 Item-BDI (≥14) 45.5 2
Dhakad 2015 India 100 100 34.42±9.78 4.84±0.06 HADS (≥8) 66 2
Durmus 2015 Turkey 80 63.8 39.33±10.98 10.88±10.08 21 Item-BDI (>17) 22.5 2
Ertenli 2012 Turkey 16 81.2 36.4 ±10.3 12.8±9.5 HADS (≥8) 43.8 2
Ersözlü-Bozkirli 2015 Turkey 29 79.3 34.4±10.3 4.1±6.2 21 Item-BDI (≥30) 37.9 2
Fallahi 2014 Iran 163 79.1 37.74±9.88 14.49±8.47 Structured interview 29.4 2
Günaydin 2009 Turkey 62 83.9 39.6±10.3 10.3±7.9 Zung SDS (≥50) 27.4 2
Hakkou 2011 Morocco 110 68.2 38.5±12.6 10.3±8.1 HADS (≥8) 55.5 2
Healey 2009 UK 612 71.6 50.8±12.2 10.3±8.1 HADS (≥8) 32.4 5
Hyphantis 2013 Greece 55 85.5 42.9±10.9 15.3±11.5 PHQ-9 (≥5/10) 40.7/14.8 2
Jiang 2015 China 683 80.4 27.33±8.67 6.47±6.47 Zung SDS (NS) 64 4
Li 2012 China 314 74.5 27.65±8.34 6.07±4.90 Zung SDS (≥50) 41.4 4
Lian 2003 China 60 78.0 36.0±12.0 >5 years (68%) Zung SDS (≥41) 43.3 2
Martindale 2006 UK 89 83.1 50 (18–77) 18 (12–29) HADS (≥11) 12.4 3
Meesters 2014 Sweden 1,738 65 54.5±14.3 NS Structured interview, ICD-10 10 3
Rodríguez-Lozano 2012 Spain 190 75 48.4±11.7 20.2±11 HADS (≥11) 11 2
Rostom 2013 Morocco 110 100 38.5±12.6 9 (0–40) HADS (≥8) 55.5 3
Schneeberger 2015 Argentina 64 89.1 44 (33–53) 17 (10.3–25) CES-D (≥16) 39.1 2
Shen 2016 China 2,331 64.9 36.50 (27.25–48.18) NS Structured interview, ICD-9 3.1 3
Xu 2016 China 103 75.7 32.9±10.7 NS Zung SDS (≥53) 36.9 2

NS: not stated, ID: identification, SD: standard deviation, AS: ankylosing spondylitis, HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, SDS: Self-rating Depression Scale, BDI: Beck Depression Inventory, PHQ: Patient Health Questionnaire, ICD: International Classification of Diseases, CES-D: Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, NOS: Newcastle-Ottawa Scale