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. 2019 Jul 31;83(3):e00074-18. doi: 10.1128/MMBR.00074-18


Enrichment conditions and AOM rates for in vitro studies of AOMa

Enrichment mode Inoculum and incubation period Temp (°C) Pressure (105 Pa) Enriched ANME type(s) AOM rate ANME doubling time (mos) Growth rate, μ (day−1) Apparent affinity (Km) Reference(s)
Culture batches Isis enrichment, Eastern Mediterranean, 8 yrs 24 3 ANME-2 4 mmol liter−1 55b
Membrane bioreactor, continuous well mixed Baltic Sea/Eckernförde Bay, 884 days 15 1 ANME-2a 286 μmol gdw−1 day−1 3.8 0.006 <0.5 mM (for SO42–), 0.075 MPa for CH4 23, 112b
External ultrafiltration membrane bioreactor Ginsburg Mud Volcano, Gulf of Cadiz, 726 days 15 1 ANME-2 1.2 μmol gdw−1 day−1 26b
Fed-batch Hydrate Ridge, North-east Pacific, 700 days 15 14 ANME-2 230 μmol gdw−1 day−1 7 0.003 >10 mM (CH4) 44b
Batch Gulf of Mexico, 150 days 12 15 ANME-1 13.5 μmol gdw−1 day−1 2 190b
Batch Lake Grevelingen, 77 days 15 45 ANME-3 324 μmol gdw−1 day−1 1.7 mM (CH4) 177b
Fed-batch Gulf of Cadiz, 286 days 15 80 ANME-2 9.22 μmol gdw−1 day−1 (SR) 2.5 37 mM (CH4) 196, 197b
Batch Captain Aryutinov Mud Volcano, Gulf of Cadiz, 80 days 15 100 ANME-2a 24 μmol gdw−1 day−1 191b
Batch Guaymas Basin sediment, 250 days 42–65 2.5 ANME-1 1.2 μmol gdw−1 day−1 2.3 165b
Downflow hanging sponge (DHS) bioreactor Nankai Trough, 2,013 days 10 1 ANME-1, -2, -3 0.375 μmol gdw−1 day−1 218b
Biotrickling filter Gulf of Cadiz, 248 days 15 1 ANME-1, -2 11.5 μM day−1 27, 29b
Biotrickling filter Gulf of Cadiz, 238 days 15 1 ANME-2 300 μM day−1 221
Anaerobic methane incubator system (continuous) Monterey Bay, 400 days 5 1 ANME-1, -2 9 × 10−3 μmol gdw−1 day−1 (ANME-1), 0.138 μmol gdw−1 day−1 (ANME-2) 1.1 (ANME-2), 1.4 (ANME-1) 0.03 (ANME-1), 0.024 (ANME-2) 220c
Fed-batch AOM and annamox, 230–290 days 22–35 0.5–1 ANME-2d 1,100 μM day−1 61d

The different mineral media used for incubation are indicated in footnotes to the references. gdw, gram (dry weight); SR, sulfate reduction.


Incubation in artificial saltwater mineral medium prepared as described by Widdel and Bak (217).


Incubation with filter-sterilized seawater.


Incubation in freshwater medium with nitrate and ammonium.