Figure 2.
Diagnostic plots of the final pharmacokinetic model: (A) observed vs population model‐predicted rituximab concentrations and (B) observed vs individual model‐predicted rituximab concentrations; open circles are fitted vs observed concentrations, bold and dashed lines are first bisector and fitted trend line, respectively. (C) Prediction‐corrected visual predictive check; observed concentrations (black circles), theoretical (dashed lines) and empirical (continuous lines) percentiles (from bottom to top: 10%, 50% and 90% percentiles) and prediction interval (from bottom to top: 10%, 50% and 90% prediction intervals); time zero is the first even for each patient, i.e. start of the first rituximab infusion. (D) Population weighted residuals vs population predicted rituximab concentrations; (E) individual weighted residuals vs individual predicted rituximab concentrations; dashed line is fitted trend line. (F) Normalized prediction distribution errors (dotted) vs gaussian law (continuous)