Table 6.
Fit indexes of the research model.
Fit | χ2/df | GFIa | AGFIb | NFIc | CFId | RMSEAe | IFIf |
Research model | 2.63 | 0.949 | 0.929 | 0.96 | 0.975 | 0.047 | 0.975 |
Recommended value | <3 | >0.9 | >0.9 | >0.9 | >0.9 | <0.05 | >0.9 |
aGFI: goodness of fit index.
bAGFI: adjusted goodness of fit index.
cNFI: normed fit index.
dCFI: comparative fit index.
eRMSEA: root mean square error of approximation.
fIFI: incremental fit index.